Monday, April 21, 2008

You know your kids play too much Halo when...

Yesterday at church the most hilarious thing came from Caleb's mouth! In AWANA's the preschool kids are going through the Bible according to the alphabet...A is for Angel, B is for Babel, C is for get the picture...

So yesterday was X. Yep, the lovely letter X. Nothing starts with X, it rarely makes it's own sound, what in the Bible starts with X...that preschoolers can handle. So the book suggests "Crucifixion". Yes, students, Crucifixion does start with "C" not "X". But alas, there is an "X" in the word AND (bonus) a cross can look like an "X". So we began telling the story of Jesus and the crucifixion....

Parallel back story:

In Halo, the XBOX game, when you die or get killed (figuratively of course) you have to wait for your character to respawn. Caleb has just taken up playing this game with Jacob and they have a great time...

Back to the main story:

So my co-teacher and I are telling the story about Jesus dying on the cross and she asks the class, "What happened after Jesus died on the cross?" To which Caleb emphatically replied, without skipping a beat, "He respawned!"

We died laughing. It was so funny! I immediately had to call Paul and tell him. So, you know your kids play to much Halo when they start thinking the Jesus "respawned".

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That is hilarious! At least you know He does actually understand that Jesus died and came back to life. If anyone tries to say he shouldn't be playing so much Halo you could always say, "Hey, it helped teach him about being re-born!"