Monday, February 11, 2008

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

Don't worry, I do not have a drug or drinking problem...

I have a Guitar Hero III problem! I really like playing Guitar Hero...ALOT...alotalotalotalotalot...alot.

It is so fun! The best part is that I can beat Paul! We don't even own the game, we just shamelessly borrow it from some youth in our youth I can play. The funny thing is that the youth know it's me who likes to play, so they let me borrow their game. We have had the game for almost a week and I have to give it back on Wednesday...I'm really sad about that. I just keep playing it as if to try and get tired of the game so I'm ok when it leaves.

Just to give you a since of how much I like this game...I played for almost 90 minutes today...WHAT?!?!?! I should be taking care of my children, or doing laundry or picking up the playroom or something...yeah right! I want to play Guitar Hero! So Paul borrowed some guns to go bird hunting (that's an entirely different story) and they belonged to the same people we borrowed the game from. He told me he was going to load everything up...including the game:( I was really sad...I asked him if he could call the people and ask them if they HAD to have their guns back tonight or if they could wait until wednesday when the youth came over for small group.

Paul just looked at me as if to say...You are really pitiful.

Well the first step is admitting you have a problem....right?


Anonymous said...

you've been tagged, check out my blog for details!

Jenn said...

This game is addictive....I didn't think I would like it until my kids convinced me to play it. I find myself sneaking upstairs sometimes to play while the kids are at school. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this "problem".