Wednesday, March 19, 2008

IPhone, Horton Hears a Who...and a not-so-great day...

So today we took the day and went to the mall to FINALLY get Paul his IPhone. Paul has been waiting since February 22, his birthday, to get his IPhone. He has been saving all of his extra money to be able to get the silly thing. We started out on our day and Paul and I had a little miscommunication to start the day off on a not-so-great foot. The kids were ok...(side note) Parents, you know when you have such high hopes for a wonderful day spent with the kids and they just don't cooperate? Today was just such a day. It was as if the kids lost all ability to obey, listen, pay attention, act properly...etc. It got really frustrating really quickly...(end side note)

We had one scary moment...Paul, Jacob and Abby were walking ahead of me and Caleb and there were a BUNCH of people at the mall (which is an outside mall, by the way). As they turned to go into the Apple store, they "disappeared" from my direct sight. I turned into the store and I saw Jacob and Paul and no Abby. I asked Paul where she was and he said she was just here. Then a store clerk pointed to a window display (she was a little put out about the little girl playing in the window display) and said there she is...I relaxed for a split second and turned to look at the window was not Abby. I yelled that's not her! Then I yelled at Paul and said, she's not here! Paul grabbed Jacob and ran out of the store to look for her and I followed him, because outside was the last time I had seen her. A minute/ETERNITY later I went back into the store literally dragging Caleb along and started yelling Abby's name, I did not care what the people thought of me. She came around a corner from the back of the store and immediately started crying...she knew she was lost. Needless to say this only added to the frustration of the day and from that point on it was even harder because we glued the kids to our side.
On the way to our next place we talked about what to do if the kids got lost...etc...

We eventually made it to the movies to see Horton Hears a Who, which was the whole point of the to the IPhone...

Horton Hears a Who is a VERY cute movie! We loved it and the kids ended up being excellent in the movies. We enjoyed our popcorn and our smuggled in fruit snacks and beef jerky while we watched the movie. Abby only went to the potty 4 times during the movie which, I believe, is a new record! After the movie we went to eat at Red Lobster to finish out our day. It ended better than it started, thankfully.

And now I am happy to report that I am writing this blog to you on my NEW COMPUTER! Yeah! Ok, now that I have gotten all that out I am going to watch American Idol.
(insert huge sigh of relief...)

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